Tuesday, June 1, 2010

It's summer!

What a great time for a rummage sale!  Here is a message from Lisa, the PTO President, about the upcoming event:

I need some help the week before the Rummage sale, which will be held on June 12th, in the back school parking lot. I sent out a flier letting people know that they can drop off donations Monday, June 7, - Friday,June 11, from 5 -7 pm. And also on Friday morning from 10 - noon, as well.

What I need:

*Someone to be at the trailer in the parking lot Mon - Friday, from 5 -7pm. (Especially Tue & Thurs)
(They will take donations, price sticker items, and stack in trailer).

*Volunteers to help make posters such as: Men's clothes, Housewares, Sporting goods, Kids clothes, etc. (I can get a full list later)

*Anyone willing to take on one of those "departments" to help with laying out on sale day, and with pricing.

*Help to set up at 7:00 am June 12th.

*Cashiers through the sale day. Maybe 2 hour shifts? 8-10, 10-12, 12 -2.

*Hagler over prices?

*Pack up/Clean up/Haul off after 2pm.

*Publicity - list add in paper, on-line. Posters at the corners?

For any of you that know where my house is, you are welcome to drop off donations before that.

Thank you.

Also, don't forget about the summer library time.  It starts June 23rd and is every Wednesday until July 28th from 10 a.m. to noon with story time at 11 a.m.  We'll be having a reading challenge with prizes, so come join Camp Read-a-lot!
If you have any questions or would like to help with the rummage sale, leave a comment and I'll get the message to Lisa.  Thanks!!

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